Open Status/Hours:
Q: Now that Chester County is in the ‘Yellow Phase’ of the COVID-19 pandemic are any of the restaurants open for outdoor seating or takeout orders?
A: Unfortunately, no. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have had to postpone the signing of lease agreements with potential tenants until Gov. Wolf announces restaurants are permitted to be fully open. We will be posting updates about the progress to Facebook and www.HistoricDilworthtown.com.
Q: When will the restaurants be open?
A: We are working hard to find restaurants that are the right fit for these historic spaces. As with all good things, it will take some time for all the pieces to come together. We will be posting updates about the progress to Facebook and www.HistoricDilworthtown.com.
Q: Will you be re-opening the Dilworthtown Inn/Inn Keeper’s Kitchen/Blue Pear just as they were?
A: These three restaurants have sadly closed. As the new property owners, we are excited to breathe new life into these amazing spaces while taking great care to honor their remarkable histories. For up-to-date information about what’s to come, visit our Facebook page and www.HistoricDilworthtown.com.
Gift Cards:
Q:. I have a gift card, will I be able to use it at the new restaurants?
A: While we did not purchase the Seller’s business nor are we operating the new restaurants ourselves, rest assured, a plan for the gift cards is in place. Once restaurant tenants are established we will provide details on Facebook and www.HistoricDilworthtown.com about if/how the Seller’s valid gift cards can be redeemed.
Q: My gift card is going to expire soon! Will I be able to use it?
A: We fully understand the urgency with regards to expiration dates. We are working as fast as we can to get the new restaurants open, but gift cards that have expired, or have no current value, cannot be accepted. The cards were not issued by us, and the associated funds are not in our direct control. The system to redeem the gift cards must comply with the disclaimer information found on the back of the cards. We will have more details about redemption as there are restaurants open for them to be redeemed. Stay tuned for news on Facebook and on www.HistoricDilworthtown.com for more information.
Other Questions:
Q: I would like to open my restaurant there, are you taking interviews?
A: We are working hard to find the best fitting stewards for these historic spaces. We are especially interested in experienced restaurateurs who have an established history of success. For those interested in leasing a restaurant space, please visit www.HistoricDilworthtown.com for our realtor’s contact information.
Q: I have a special event that I want to hold at the Dilworthtown Inn/Inn Keeper’s Kitchen/Blue Pear. How can I do this?
A: As of right now there are unfortunately no spaces at Historic Dilworthtown available for reservations. We will share news of reservation availability on Facebook and at www.HistoricDilworthtown.com.
Q: I would like a job there, what openings do you have?
A: As we are the property owners, the individual restaurants will have full authority in deciding whom they would like to hire. Once the tenants are decided, we will include links to their websites on Facebook and www.HistoricDilworthtown.com.
Q: Are you doing the Wine Festival this year?
A: We know the history and importance of this event to our community and are hopeful that we will have news to share soon. We will be excited to announce future events on Facebook or on our website at www.HistoricDilworthtown.com.
Q: Will it still be “fine dining”?
A: We are exploring many different options, including, but not limited to, fine dining. Our goal is to find the right fit for these spaces with restaurateurs who appreciate the historical nature of these spaces. As with all good things, this will take some time. Stay tuned to Facebook and our website, www.HistoricDilworthtown.com, for news about the new restaurants.
Q: Will you be doing renovations?
A: As we work to establish Historic Dilworthtown you will likely notice some nuance changes to the landscape. Our goal is to highlight the existing buildings and to create a cohesive and consistent feel throughout. While the names on the signs may change, our intent is to preserve and showcase each of the buildings unique qualities while also providing functional and attractive spaces for our tenants and their visitors.